In accordance with the Section 246 of the Cooperatives Societies Act, No. 4 of 2010  and Article 34 of the St. Patrick’s Cooperative Credit Union Ltd (SPCCU) BYE-LAWS,  WE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE of the names and last known addresses of members of  SPCCU with unclaimed deposits for over 15 years. 

Members wishing to view the unclaimed deposits listing can do so at the following: 

1. MNIALIVE Online News Portal 

2. The Credit Union’s Website ( 

3. The Credit Union’s Social Media Pages (Facebook & Instagram) 4. The Credit Union’s Office located at Credit Union House, Brades, Montserrat. 

Members are further advised that pursuant to article 34(9) of the SPCCU BYE-LAWS,  the following will apply to unclaimed deposits. 

“If, on the expiration of 90 days from the date of publication of the notice under sub Article (8), the account holder has failed to engage in any activity under sub-Article (6)  in respect of the account, any money in the account shall be deemed abandoned  property and shall be transferred to the Reserve Fund.” 

We urge our customers with abandoned accounts, to activate their account at the  earliest and enjoy a mutually beneficial financial relationship with us. If you have  recently updated your account, please disregard this notice. 

For further information please contact the Credit Union at the following particulars: 

1. Telephone: (664) 491-3666/3060 

2. Fax (664) 491-6566 

3. Email: 

Dated the 9th day of March 2022. 



To see the list, click here.